Project Portfolio

Harry J. Stead

About Me

React Music App

  • React
  • JavaScript
  • CSS | Sass

A React music service that allows you to listen to a library of selected songs, mostly copy-right free lo-fi beats.

Local Ecommerce
  • React
  • Node | Express | Multer
  • MongoDB
  • Firebase

A full-stack MERN application (MongoDB, Express, React, Node) which allows users to login, create a profile, post items for sale and browse other user’s items.

Express Blogging
  • Node | Express
  • Sequelize
  • JavaScript
  • CSS

This project utilises express servers and Sequelize database to create a web app that allows users to create blog posts under their name and save them for future reading.


Fitness Tracker

  • React
  • Node | Express
  • MongoDB
  • CSS

A full-stack fitness log that allows users to record and update their workouts.

Full-Stack Burger App
  • Node | Express
  • MySQL
  • JavaScript | Handlebars.JS
  • CSS

A burger logger made with with MySQL, Node, Express, Handlebars and a homemade ORM that tracks the burgers you've eaten.

Employee Database
  • MySQL
  • Node
  • JavaScript

A solution for managing a company's employees using node, inquirer, and MySQL.